Minimum Spanning Haplotype network of Cytb sequences of Xenopus laevis, newly generated sequences are indicated as ‘‘Belgium”. The sizes of the circles are proportional to haplotype frequencies. Colors refer to native (South Africa) and invaded regions (see legend). Numbers of mutations are marked by stripes on the connecting branches. Abbreviations and haplotype names follow De Busschere et al. (2016): Belgium = Comines-Warneton, Italy = Sicily, SA1 = southwestern Cape, SA2 = Cape, Hoekwil & Tsitsikamma region, SA3 = Cape, Laingsburg, SA4 = Cape, Beaufort West, SA5 = northern South Africa (Kimberley, Victoria West, Potchefstroom), SA6 = Cape, Rooikrantz Dam, SA7 = Nieuwoudtville.