Seasonal dynamics of a Cloeon dipterum in the Đon močvar peat bog and b Baetis vernus c Nigrobaetis niger in adjacent Daković klada Stream between March and November 2015. Legend: Body length category: A = 0.00–0.99 mm; B = 1.00–1.99 mm; C = 2.00–2.99 mm; D = 3.00–3.99 mm; E = 4.00–4.99 mm; F = 5.00–5.99 mm; G = 6.00–6.99 mm; H = 7.00–7.99 mm.
Part of: Vilenica M, Brigić A, Kerovec M, Gottstein S, Ternjej I (2016) Spatial distribution and seasonal changes of mayflies (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) in a Western Balkan peat bog. ZooKeys 637: 135-149.