Dorsal habitus of species of Anaedus Blanchard, 1842 including species belonging to genera synonymized with Anaedus in this paper. 30 Anaedus punctatissimus Blanchard, 1842, type species of Anaedus 31 A. brunneus (Ziegler, 1844) 32 A. expansicollis Gebien, 1913, paratype 33 A. explanatus Pic, 1917 34 A. leleupi Ardoin, 1876, paratype 35 A. robusticollis Pic, 1921 36 A. notatus (Pic, 1923), syntype, type species of Microanaedus Pic, 1923 37 A. conradti (Gebien, 1921), originally described in Pseudanaedus Gebien, 1921 38 A. dilaticollis (Fairmaire, 1882), holotype, type species of Pseudolyprops Fairmaire, 1882 39 A. himalayicus (Kaszab, 1965), originally described in Spinolyprops Pic, 1917 40 A. serrimargo (Gebien, 1914), senior subjective synonym of Spinadaenus singularis Pic, 1921, the type species of Spinadaenus Pic, 1921. 41 A. nepalicus (Kaszab, 1975), originally described in Sphingocorse Gebien, 1921. Scale bars: 1 mm. Images lacking scale bars were produced by Otto Merkl and sizes of specimens were not recorded before he passed. Figs 36, 38 taken by Christophe Rivier (MNHN).

  Part of: Aalbu RL, Kanda K, Merkl O, Ivie MA, Johnston MA (2023) Reconstitution of some tribes and genera of Lagriinae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). ZooKeys 1172: 155-202.