Dorsal habitus of representatives of Goniaderini genera. 21) Aemymone cariosa Fairmaire 1873 22 Goniadera repanda (Fabricius, 1801) 23 Phymatestes spathifer Gebien, 1928 24 Spinolagriella sp. 25 Opatresthes quadrinodosus Gebien, 1928 26 Xanthicles caraboides Champion, 1886 27 Lyprochelyda sp. 28 Ancylopoma punctigera Pascoe, 1871, holotype. Scale bars: 1 mm (22, 26); 2 mm (19, 23–25); 5 mm (20, 21).

  Part of: Aalbu RL, Kanda K, Merkl O, Ivie MA, Johnston MA (2023) Reconstitution of some tribes and genera of Lagriinae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). ZooKeys 1172: 155-202.