Boxplots comparing the median and spread of water beetle taxon richness (number of taxa per site) between a seasons b regions and c waterbody types at GRNP. The middle line represents the median, whilst the boxes demarcate the interquartile range and the ‘whiskers’ extend to the maximum and minimum values. The black circles on the graphs represent individual data points (number of taxa) for each site sampled. Unpaired t-tests reported no significant difference in richness between the two seasons (t32 = 1.604, p = 0.119) and between the waterbody types (streams vs. ponds, t31 = 0.959, p = 0.345). One-way ANOVA reported no significant difference in richness between the regions (F3,29 = 0.809, p = 0.499). ‘Seeps’ was excluded as a factor from the waterbody comparisons due to only one sample being taken from this habitat and ‘Wilderness’ was similarly excluded from the regional comparison due to only one sample being collected in this region.

  Part of: Bird MS, Bilton DT, Mlambo MC, Perissinotto R (2023) Water beetles (Coleoptera) associated with Afrotemperate Forest patches in the Garden Route National Park, South Africa. ZooKeys 1182: 237-258.