Habitat of Zaitzevia species A general environment of the type locality of Z. sichuanensis sp. nov.: Lengmugou Geopark B ditto, microenvironment C general environment of paratype: Xilingxueshan D ditto, microenvironment E general environment of the type locality of Zaitzevia fengtongzhaiensis sp. nov.: Fengtongzhai Nature Reserve F ditto, microenvironment G living adult of Z. fengtongzhaiensis sp. nov.

  Part of: Jiang R-X, Chen X-S (2023) Three new species of the genus Zaitzevia Champion, 1923 (Coleoptera, Elmidae) from China. ZooKeys 1174: 191-206. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1174.101046