A from left to right – homologous Subulo gouazoubira chromosomes (Fischer, 1814) (SGO); chromosomes of the male Passalites nemorivagus topotype (Cuvier, 1817) (PNE) under conventional Giemsa staining; C-banding idiogram, demonstrating heterochromatin blocks; and labeling selected BAC probes from the CHORI-240 library. Arrows indicate Ag-NOR staining B FISH showing the chromosomes involved in the Robertsonian translocation (rob)7;27; and probes 311B9 (pink) and 316D2 (green) on the PNEX C Schematic comparison of the BAC probe markings on the X chromosome between SGO and PNE. Xqprox = proximal X region; Xqmed = medial X region; Xqdist = distal X region; PAR = Psedoautosomal region.

  Part of: Morales-Donoso JA, Vacari GQ, Bernegossi AM, Sandoval EDP, Peres PHF, Galindo DJ, de Thoisy B, Vozdova M, Kubickova S, Barbanti Duarte JM (2023) Revalidation of Passalites Gloger, 1841 for the Amazon brown brocket deer P. nemorivagus (Cuvier, 1817) (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Cervidae). ZooKeys 1167: 241-264. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1167.100577