Maximum-likelihood tree of Malacalcyonacea based on mtMutS. Support values indicated by symbols at nodes. Black circles: maximum-likelihood bootstrap value (bs) > 70% and Bayesian posterior probability (pp) > 0.9); open circles: bs > 70, no support (pp <0.9) from Bayesian analysis. Families have been collapsed to facilitate readability. All collapsed clades have bs > 70% and pp > 0.9 unless otherwise noted. The branch leading to Anthogorgiidae has been shortened to fit the page. Inset shows Pterogorgiidae clade from analysis of 28S rDNA.

  Part of: Breedy O, McFadden CS, Cortés J (2023) An enigmatic new octocoral species (Anthozoa, Octocorallia, Malacalcyonacea) from Isla del Coco National Park. ZooKeys 1169: 317-331.