Diagram of one ommatidium of Agasicles hygrophila A light micrographs (LM) of the compound eye of Agasicles hygrophila B semi-schematic drawing of one ommatidium of Agasicles hygrophila. Abbreviations: CL: Corneal Lens; CC: Crystalline Cone; PG: Pigment Granule; Rh: Rhabdomere; BM: Basement Membrane; CCN: Cone Cell Nucleus; PPC: Primary Pigment Cell; PCN: Primary Pigment Cell Nucleus; SPC: Secondary Pigment Cell; RC: Retinular Cell; RCN: Retinular Cell Nucleus.

  Part of: Fan W-L, Liu X-K, Zhang T-H, Liang Z-L, Jiang L, Zong L, Li C-Q, Du Z, Liu H-Y, Yang Y-X, Wu F-M, Ge S-Q (2023) The morphology and spectral characteristics of the compound eye of Agasicles hygrophila (Selman & Vogt, 1971) (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Alticini). In: Chaboo CS, Schmitt M (Eds) Research on Chrysomelidae 9. ZooKeys 1177: 23-40. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1177.100084