Relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) in the mitogenomes of Hygia lativentris, H. bidentata, and H. opaca. A: Ala; C: Cys; D: Asp; E: Glu; F: Phe; G: Gly; H: His; I: Ile; K: Lys; L: Leu; M: Met; N: Asn; P: Pro; Q: Gln; R: Arg; S: Ser; T: Thr; V: Val; W: Try; Y: Tyr.

  Part of: Wang S, Ding X, Yi W, Zhao W, Zhao Q, Zhang H (2023) Comparative mitogenomic analysis of three bugs of the genus Hygia Uhler, 1861 (Hemiptera, Coreidae) and their phylogenetic position. ZooKeys 1179: 123-138.