Arrow-poison beetles of the Ju|’hoansi, Tswumke Conservancy, Namibia (photos: CS Chaboo). 11 Typical collecting for beetle cocoons at base of a Commiphora shrub in the drip line 12 Ostrich egg-shell full of cocoons of Diamphidia nigroornata ab. locusta13 Parasitoid carabid larva (left) and Diamphidia larva (right) extracted from collected cocoons 14 Cleaned 4th instar Diamphidia larva extracted from cocoon 15 Adult Diamphidia beetle in cocoon 16 Squeezing the contents of leaf beetle larvae onto giraffe bone to prepare arrow poison 17 Typical hunting implements, quiver, bow, fire-sticks, and arrows.

  Part of: Chaboo CS, Biesele M, Hitchcock RK, Weeks A (2016) Beetle and plant arrow poisons of the Ju|’hoan and Hai||om San peoples of Namibia (Insecta, Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae; Plantae, Anacardiaceae, Apocynaceae, Burseraceae). ZooKeys 558: 9-54.