Hesione reticulata Marenzeller, 1879, A (NSMT Pol N-620) B–C (NSMT Pol-113205) A Anterior end, dorsal view, six months after fixation B Medial part, ventral view after longitudinal dissection (*: enteric caecum, Ph: pharynx, St: stomach) C Same, close up after dissecting stomach, with a gastropod prey (St W: stomach wall). Scale bars: 1.5 mm (A); 1.2 mm (B); 0.6 mm (C).

  Part of: Jimi N, Salazar-Vallejo SI, Kajihara H (2017) Designation of a neotype and redescription of Hesione reticulata von Marenzeller, 1879 from Japan (Annelida, Hesionidae). ZooKeys 657: 29-41. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.657.11064