Amynthas nhonmontis sp. n., holotype. A Male region (mp = male pore; gm = genital markings) B Spermathecae, right side on intersegment 7/8 (dv = diverticulum, am = ampulla) C Prostate D Intestinal caecum E Transverse body section of male porophore in xviii (bw = body wall, pd = prostatic duct) F Transverse body section of genital markings in xvii (ag = accessory gland). Scale bars = 1 mm.

  Part of: Nguyen AD, Nguyen TT (2015) Notes on Metaphire multitheca (Chen, 1938) (Oligochaeta, Megascolecidae) recorded from Vietnam, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 506: 127-136.